Hi, Chunky B. here. The story goes like this. When I was in 3rd grade I made a Christmas card for my Mom. For many Xmas’s after my Mom would hang that very card by the fireplace. And for years I would open it and read one of the dumbest Christmas cards ever. It read, “I say a Metty Christmas.” I told you it was dumb. When I gave my Mom the card I read it out load with some lame accent and she laughed. it became her favorite card. I know… cute story, but why? In that card I drew the very first Chunky B. Face. aka the “Face”.
So for decades the “Face” held the test of time. I doodled it everywhere I went. There was always a sharpie in my pocket and a wall that needed some Chunky love.
I loved hearing stories about a friend in some random airport bathroom or in a subway in New York City and they would look up and see the “Face”. The stories kept on coming.
So cut to 1998. By this time, I parlayed the “Face” and my nickname together and made T shirts. I told the world I had a line of clothes and it was called, “Chunky B. Wear”. Everywhere I went I carried a duffle bag full of CBW. I told people, “ If you wear this T shirt, you must be real, be kind and be cool at all times. If, at any given moment, you are not, please removed all CBW at once.
We became known as the “Cool Enhancer”. B. Real, B. Kind, B. Cool. with Chunky B. Wear. The word spread about this cool logo. Eventually a company in New York said let us give you some serious cash and we’ll blow this clothing line up. I said hell yeah.
Well they F’d up the whole thing up. One exec wanted this, the other wanted that. It whent on for a year and a half. The 11th hour the big guy said let’s regroup. That’s when I felt the wind go out of the sails.
All I know is 3 years later I got my logo back and I got paid. I bought a new house in Venice Beach Ca. I couldnt have been happier. What started as a joke rolled into a line of T shits that was extremly cool. It was a dream come true. Sure, we haven’t got maximun exposure in the market place yet. Give us a minute.
Just the presence of the “Face” The Chunky B. Wear Logo, is all that is needed to make you cooler than those around you. We are talking internal coolness, not temperature coolness.
At first the cretics were non-believers, that’s their job, that’s what they do. But before long their opinions and attitudes changed. You could see it in their eyes, even their body langauge changed. They to, have experienced the power of the “Face”. A deep satisfying comfort of coolness that can only be brought on by wearing CBW.
You may be thinking right now, “What power, what comfort of coolness? What are you people on?” Trust us, the only thing we’re on, is a mission. A mission to bring out your internal coolness. So you and those around you , can enjoy what you are sharing. Your coolness. That, my friends, is powerful.
When stuff hits the fan, and you know it often does, you rise above the noise and confusion and deliver a level of coolness like never before. Why? You’re wearing Chunky B. Wear.
Friends and family, at first, will express confusion, but before too long, it will hit them like a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day. They will bath in the glory that is your coolness.
The foundation of this new life enhancement is broken down into one simple factor, the “Face” (CBW logo) , which is proudly featured on all Chunky B. Wear fashions. That’s right, the Chunky B. Wear logo, aka, “The Face”, is and has been for years, the cause of so many people actually increacing their ability to be cooler.
I know it sounds crazy, but you must try it yourself. Go about your day as you would normally, then add one thing to it. Put on a Chunky B. Wear T shirt. Sit back and enjoy the journey that is built upon three basic rules for a better you. They are, 1- B. Real 2- B. Kind 3- B. Cool. Thats it. B. Real, Kind and Cool.
Strangers will smile at you. Friends will buy you dinner. You probably will get a promotion at work. iI maximum coolness is achieved, you may even visualize a slow motion Unicorn galloping on the horizon. All because you put on a T shirt, No, my friend, because you put on a CBW T shirt. It truly increases your internal coolness, in some cases, up to 17%. Now thats a T shirt with buying.
if you are still reading this, God bless you. We hear at CBW Headquarters are well aware a t shirt can’t scienificly make you a better person. We just fake it, till we make it. What do we mean by that? When CBW is on you, practice being real, kind and cool at all times. If this is done correctly with the purest of intentions, uncut coolness will absorb deep into your soul. When that happens, you will feel it, By the way, you’er welcome.
We here at Chunky B. HeadQuarters want to make it perfectly clear, we did not invent Cool, we just made it a Cooler. We also are extremely confident, if you follow three simple steps to good living, while wearing your CBW, you and those around you will increase over all coolness. They are, B. Real B. Kind B. Cool. If you apply these to your daily responsibilities, your world will be full of enjoyable Coolness. We know…. But it’s true.
We here at Chunky B. Headquaters want to make it perfectly clear, we did not invent cool, we just made it a little cooler.
And yes, a T shirt can make you cooler. If and only if, it’s Chunky B. Wear. Studies show when wearing the CBW logo, coolness levels have increased, in most cases, up to 17%. We here at CBW Headquarters think that is really cool.
Just the presence of the “Face” is all that is needed to increase your coolness factor. At first the cretics were non-believers, that’s their job, that’s what they do. But before long their opinions and attitudes changed. You could see it on their eyes, even their body language changed. They to experienced the power of the “Face” You may be thinking right now, “What power”? The power of being Cool. To have the ability to gain the respect of all around you by just being Cooler.
At any given moment things can turn uncool, you may be called upon. No sweat, you deliver a level of coolness like never before. You defuse, what some would call a hostile situation using your new increased coolness factor. Friends and family, at first, will express confusion, but before too long, it will hit them like a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day. They will bath in the glory that is your coolness.
The foundation of this new life enhancement is broken down into one simple factor, the “Face”, which is proudly featured on all Chunky B. Wear fashions. That’s right, the Chunky B. Wear logo, aka, “The Face”, is and has been for years, the cause of so many people actually increacing their coolness.
We know it sounds crazy, but you must try it yourself. Go about your day as you would normally, then add one thing to it. Put on a Chunky B. Wear T shirt. Sit back and enjoy the journey that is built upon three basic ways of living. They are, 1- B. Real 2- B. Kind 3- B. Cool. Thats it. B. Real, Kind and Cool.
Strangers will smile at you. Friends will buy you dinner. You probably will get a promotion at work. And if maximum coolness is achieved, one may visualize a slow motion Unicorn galloping on the horizon. All because you put on a T shirt, No, my friend, because you put on a CBW T shirt. It truly increases your Coolness, in some cases, up to 17%. Now thats a T shirt with buying.
We here at Chunky B. Headquarters pride ourselves on being real, kind and cool. We also have a highly motivated “Branding Team” that work pretty hard when they’re in the mood, But they are really good at… I can’t think of it right now. Any way, at this particular juncture , we may not be so real. It’s safe to say this is really not real. We, at times, will bend the truth a little just to get your attention. We’re thinking, as long as nobody gets hurt. No harm, no foul. We truly belive in, Safty 1st. If not, a very close 2nd.