Just the presence of the “Face” is all that is needed to increase your coolness factor. At first the cretics were non-believers, that’s their job, that’s what they do. But before long their opinions and attitudes changed. You could see it on their eyes, even their body language changed. They to experienced the power of the “Face” You may be thinking right now, “What power”? The power of being Cool. To have the ability to gain the respect of all around you by just being Cooler.
At any given moment things can turn uncool, you may be called upon. No sweat, you deliver a level of coolness like never before. You defuse, what some would call a hostile situation using your new increased coolness factor. Friends and family, at first, will express confusion, but before too long, it will hit them like a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day. They will bath in the glory that is your coolness.
The foundation of this new life enhancement is broken down into one simple factor, the “Face”, which is proudly featured on all Chunky B. Wear fashions. That’s right, the Chunky B. Wear logo, aka, “The Face”, is and has been for years, the cause of so many people actually increacing their coolness.
We know it sounds crazy, but you must try it yourself. Go about your day as you would normally, then add one thing to it. Put on a Chunky B. Wear T shirt. Sit back and enjoy the journey that is built upon three basic ways of living. They are, 1- B. Real 2- B. Kind 3- B. Cool. Thats it. B. Real, Kind and Cool.
Strangers will smile at you. Friends will buy you dinner. You probably will get a promotion at work. And if maximum coolness is achieved, one may visualize a slow motion Unicorn galloping on the horizon. All because you put on a T shirt, No, my friend, because you put on a CBW T shirt. It truly increases your Coolness, in some cases, up to 17%. Now thats a T shirt with buying.